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making a line connection between Stress and Relaxation Banner, Relax Deeper, Recover Quicker, Perform Better.

relax deeper      recover quicker      perform better

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Esencia Health Recovery through Relaxation :

On-LineEsencia Girl relaxed with on-line learning

 SpiritEsencia Spirit - Health, Awareness, Realisation, Holistic Happiness


Esencia Sport Practitioner - Relaxation and Health Recovery

Learning Health Recovery

through Relaxation …
… with the leading Active-Intensive-Relaxation specialists
… anywhere, anytime!

More Information > esencia on-line courses in relaxation training, any time

  How will this online course work for me?

  When you sign up to the online course we will send   you a full set of instructions which will show you   how to access the e-learning system and log on.   You will be able to get going straight away.

  You have selected the

  Bodywork Techniques option:

  The ‘Techniques’ option: Simple progression   through the course from Module 1 through to 6.  You are learning for the fun of it, or your own  personal development and there will not be any   formal assessments made of your progress.  You   can practise on friends and family and we will   be on hand to answer any questions. You will   receive an attendance Certificate but will not be   eligible for insurance to practise professionally at    this stage.

  If you have completed this course and now wish to progress   to practice professionally we can provide you with a bespoke  top-up course to become a fully certified and insured  affiliate…..just contact us again and we will take it from   there.

Option 2

Option 1




£ 297

Modules 1-6

All Lessons 1-12

on-line videos

on-line videos

Audio files

Audio files

Printable Documents

Email Support

Q & A's

Assessment response if required

Q & A's

12 months

e-learning Access

The Relaxation Academy Accredited Certificate on

Completion of Training

Esencia Affiliate Status*

Continuing Professional Development  Hours

Esencia Affiliate status

Practitioner listing with

Esencia Relaxation® and

The Relaxation Academy

Eligibility for Practitioner


Subject to status

Esencia Practitioner Course 20 %


(if  redeemed within 2 years of commencement of this course)

Esencia Mastering The FLOW Sequence Course 50% Discount

(if redeemed within 2 years of commencement of this course)

         Practitioner Online Option 1:

                      Check this out

linking to Online course section

with  on-line course material

  A PayPal link  using Credit Card / Debit Card  Facilities

Course Sign-up